How Fast Can You Build An Amazon Affiliate Site?

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In this video I start from a blank site and then build an Amazon Affiliate site in under 30 minutes.

To do that I use the tool I built, MPP Toolbox to pull in 30 Amazon Products in the Night Vision Goggles niche, it has a lot more tools in than just the Amazon Scraper. MPP toolbox saves all the details into a CSV file which is ready to import into Magic Page Plugin.

Inside my blank WordPress site I upload the FREE template that you get as a member of MPP Toolbox, 1 of 4 templates.

I then upload the Xfields that are also supplied free of charge. (Xfields are simply short codes used by MPP)

I then upload the database of products and then choose one to be my main product.

Site is now built and just needs a few tweaks, wait for Google to index it and then rank it.

All done in under 28 minutes. Now I can easily clone that site and build other niche sites in probably under 10 minutes.



Site Update

Site was purchased on the 1st May 2023, Built on the 8th May and just had a check today 10th May 2023 and the homepage is on page 3 for NVG Mount FAST Helmet Tactical Headset and also page 3 for night vision goggles for helmet. 


Amazon affiliate site in 28 minutes night vision goggle

If you haven’t got MPP Toolbox then click the button below 

When you join MPP Toolbox in addition to the Amazon Scraper tool there are another 14 tools all which will help with building MPP sites. Tools like

  • Google People Also Ask Scraper
  • Google GMB Scraper
  • Random Links Generator
  • Citations scanner
  • Schema Scraper
  • Site Map Scraper 
  • Site Value Calculator
  • and more

But there is even more!

Because now you also get access to my course on how to build Amazon Affiliate Sites with MPP. Which will take you through step by step as I build out a number of sites in different niches and with different methods. 

And there is even more. 

To help you out even further I have given you the 4 Gutenberg templates that I use for the sites for free

  1. Single niche site
  2. Multi niche site
  3. Single niche site with local search 
  4. Multi niche site with local search

And more!

Just to make sure you have no sticking points I also give you the Xfields that I use in the sites as well. 

So all you have to do is to

  • Scrape the products,
  • Import a template and the Xfields.
  • Add the database and pick a product to be your main product,
  • Then wait

Basically what I did in the video, which took me 28 minutes while I was explaining it.


In the course you will be seeing over the shoulder what happens to my sites that I build, the good and the bad.  

Once the timer hits 0 then it goes to its full price and you will never get it at this price again.

Use Coupon Code


to get 50% off for life until the timer hits zero


If you haven’t got Magic Page Plugin then click the button below and get the best mass page builder for 19 countries, unlimited domains.

Want to learn how to make the best use of your Magic Page Plugin?


Mass Page Affiliate Sites With Localisation

Amazon Affiliate Site Page 3 In 2 Days
